In 2014, EMPRI was designated as the state nodal agency for Climate Change in Karnataka to provide technical support in conducting research, trainings and capacity building in climate change programs. The “Karnataka State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) – 1st Assessment” was prepared by EMPRI in 2015. The Karnataka State Action Plan on Climate Change (KSAPCC) has outlined various challenges and has also given feasible action points to be implemented by various sectors of administration in the state. During the year 2016-17, Government of Karnataka provided funds for establishing the center for climate change. EMPRI has taken up many initiatives aimed at the generation of awareness among various stakeholders, imparting training, capacity building and manpower development and has also coordinated with different universities, premier research institutions, Government Departments and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) to pursue theme-based scientific research on climate change and its impacts.
Our research focuses on the impacts of climate change, developing sustainable technologies, and finding ways to mitigate its effects
Detailed information about our completed projects can be accessed here.
Information about recent workshops and training sessions can be found here