From DG’s Desk
Since the birth of EMPRI two decades ago, the status of natural environment, and sustainable development, have become central to developmental planning. Governments at all levels - national state, district, and village – are concerned about status of natural resources – air, water, soil, minerals, forests, biodiversity – and accounting them physically, and in economic balance sheets. Accordingly, the governance processes are being constantly aligned for an environmentally-compatible developmental pathway. Such aligning is facilitated by the governmental budgetary process for resource allocation as a policy response measure.
Natural environment is a good public commons, and its deterioration has implications for equity, and capability to attain sustainable development. Economic as well as social wellbeing rest on environmental wellbeing. Further, unanimously, the present decade is considered most vital in the human history, as the sustainability of human race on the planet is determined by the developmental-pathway course correction undertaken now.
Deepening its engagement with the mandate of environmental management and policy development, EMPRI launches its 3rd decade of existence in the above context. Fresh capabilities on impact and carrying capacity assessment for sustainable development, and baseline data and modelling for air pollution and climate change are being augmented. To enhance the quality of research output, and realising that the capabilities lie distributed, new alliances are developed with the organizations of national and international repute. Environmental monitoring under changing climate remains a major focus. The applied research undertaken at EMPRI feeds into our advocacy, training, and policy development programs.
In this Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav year, as we progress towards our mission to become a Centre of Excellence on concurrent environmental issues, I congratulate everyone at EMPRI for the achievements, and thank them for their contributions. Constant support and encouragement at all levels in the government of Karnataka has enabled EMPRI to reach where it is today. The sanctity of such support is gratefully acknowledged.
Governments’ Work is Gods’ Work!